KAIMH is offering a free professional development opportunity (valued at $550) for Early Childhood Professionals! This learning opportunity includes access to the self-paced, online Conscious Discipline course, Powers of Resilience: SEL for Adults, a printable workbook, and two group learning sessions to practice deeper reflection, insights and ideas for immediate implementation in your work and life. Participants will have access to the online videos from February 15 – March 26th In order to receive 4 hours of KDHE in-service credit participants will need to attend two group learning sessions scheduled on Wed. March 5 and Wed. March 26th from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Apply Here

KAIMH is Hiring!

We are expanding our services and looking to hire a program coordinator to help us with this growth. This is a 30 hour per week position working mostly from a home office as well as in-person meetings in the Kansas City, KS area. Click here for more details and information on how to apply!

Advocacy - Education - Recognition

Nurture healthy early relationships

Who We Are

Kansas Association for Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health

We are an association of professionals in Kansas who are passionate about spreading awareness of emotional development of infants. KAIMH has three main goals:


Promoting and advocating for public policies that advance the importance of social and emotional development of infants and young children.


Professional recognition and connection through KAIMH Infant Mental Health Endorsement®


Providing educational opportunities on infant and early childhood mental health.

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Your financial contributions to KAIMH enable children and families to receive high quality care from early childhood professionals trained in the social and emotional needs of young children.

“The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.”

-Peggy O'Mara

“The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.”

-Peggy O'Mara

Educating and Inspiring

Why Advocacy?

When connections to peers, access to experts, funding, and real-time conversation combine, you get a unique kind of support.